Happy New Year Everyone!!
Haven't been updating recently....thinkI have somehow lost the flame when it comes to blogging haha.....Need some spark again!! Been so busy lately.....working OT almost everyday till 9 or 10pm......tired.
Anyways, feeling excited bout travelling again!! Plan to apply for UK Working Holiday Visa next year!! Wee!!......Saving up now (tighten tummy) heh heh.....
Happy New Year!! New Year, New Beginning!! :p
Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Never Mess With Old Chinese Grannies!!
Haha.....I was at work and with some idle time at hand, i found this article and was laughing my ass off!! So i decided to share.......I find it funny......Um....Don't know bout you :p
Never Mess With Chinese Grannies!!
"About 18 years ago I was riding the 30 Stockton bus heading downtown, standing room only (as usual). I am tall, so I could see over the largely (probably 95%) asian population inside the bus, who all seemed to be hacking their lungs out without covering their mouths (nice).
So we stop at Sacramento Street (just before the tunnel), and a whole group of people want to push on to the bus. Everybody at the stop manages to squeeze in when there is a bit of a commotion at the front.
An old Chinese lady (I am assuming she was Chinese) was holding in her hand a live chicken. She was holding it by the feet and, as a chicken in such a situation would do, this particular chicken was squawking up a storm.
The bus driver (a large African-American gentleman; this was back before a majority of the drivers became asian) was standing up, pointing at the squawking chicken, telling the lady, "Hey! You can't come on the bus with a live chicken!"
Anyone who believes the Chinese people (or asian people) in San Francisco cannot understand english is completely naive. They understand. Oh yes they do.
This old lady locks her gaze squarely with the driver, and after seeming to study him for a moment, lifts the squawking chicken and suddenly swings it with all her might >SMACK!<>
Dead ... silence.
Not a single person spoke, or moved, or even breathed. We all heard it, and most of us saw it. I could see the blood dripping gently from the chicken's head.
And then, gathering up all of her pride, the old Chinese woman stepped on to the bus, directly under the gaping jaw of the bus driver, and took her place standing at the front of the bus next to the rest of the crowd (which although space-limited gave her a wide berth) WITH A DEAD, BLEEDING CHICKEN IN HER HAND.
The bus driver sat down and closed the door, and the entire bus-load of horrified people were soon on their way.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I Miss You......
Mistletoe Kiss!! Muacks!!
Merry Christmas Everyone!! It's time of the year!! Kissing under mistletoe woo!!
Mistletoe also known throughout history as the golden bough has several different legends associated with its beginning and its meaning.
Starting back as far as the Celtic Druids you can find more than one story concerning the mystical mistletoe. One such story is their belief that the plant held the soul of the host tree, which was the “holy oak”. During a ceremony, the Druid priests would harvest the mistletoe with a golden sickle to ensure the mistletoe never touched the ground, as it would lose its magical powers. The powers would quickly be absorbed back into the earth. Once the mistletoe was harvested, the priests would have the branches out to the people for them to use against all kinds of evils. In England, mistletoe at one time was placed over the doorways for good luck. They believed that only happiness could pass underneath the mistletoe, therefore, enemies would hug and seal their peaceful intentions with a kiss of friendship.
The ancient Norse people have a wonderful legend centered on the mistletoe. In their legend, the god Odin and his wife Frigga had a son by the name of Balder. Frigga loved her son very dearly. She took steps to ensure that nothing would ever harm him by way of earth, fire, water, or air.
The mistletoe did not fit into any of these categories, so an evil spirit by the name of Loki created an arrow out of mistletoe and gave it to Balder’s brother, Holder. Holder was blind and Loki held onto his hand and shot Balder in the heart with the mistletoe arrow. Balder died.
From this moment on, the legend is told differently in various stories. One is that Balder is brought to life. In another one, he had a Viking’s funeral and was sent to the Otherworld on a burning ship. He was to remain there until it was time for him to come back to earth to start a new era.
From that day, forward, Frigga stated the mistletoe would never harm anyone again and made it a symbol of love and made the promise to bestow a kiss upon everyone who passed beneath it.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Blame Your Fat On AD-36
I have seen a documentary on the AD-36 virus yonks ago!! But I find it very fascinating. If you have never heard of it, let me explain what AD-36 is......
Human adenovirus 36 (HAdV-36) or AD-36, which it is called is one of 51 types of adenoviruses known to date, to infect humans. It was first discovered with obesity in chickens by Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar. New evidence reveals that the virus responsible for the common cold could also be responsible for obesity. Scientists claim to have proved that infection with human adenovirus-36 (Ad-36), already known to be responsible for breathing and eye infections, also changes adult stem cells from fat tissue into fat cells.
In a study, scientists used adult stem cells from fatty tissue obtained from a large number of patients having undergone liposuction. Fifty per cent of the stem cells were then exposed to the virus while the other 50% were not. About seven days into the growth in tissue culture most of the cells that had been infected with the virus had morphed into fat cells whereas the cells that had not been infected did not.
Besides this, the study also recognized the specific gene in the virus that appears to be involved in this obesity-promoting effect.

On the contrary, scientists are also now working at identifying factors that may influence certain people having the virus to develop obesity while it may not for others.
Jokes Me Find Farny!!
1. England has madcow,
Hong Kong has Macau,
Russia has Moscow,
S'pore has 2 famous cows-'Cow-peh and cow-bo'
2. When ur life is in darkness......
Pray 2 God and ask Him 2 free u from darkness.....
andIf u r still in darkness..
Pls pay ur TNB bill.
3. When a man opens the door of his car for his wife,
You can be sure of one thing;
Either the car is new or the wife.
4. An angry china man entered a shop and shouted :
Where's my free gift with this cooking oil?
Shopkeeper : What free gift??
China man : Oi, here got put "Cholesterol FREE!"
5. If u need ADVICE, SMS ME,
If u need HELP, E-MAIL ME,
Nombor yang anda dail,
tiada dalam perkhidmatan kami, TerimaKasih.
Friday, December 14, 2007
8 Wonders of Malaysia!!
HAHAHA! Got this in my mailbox ....
Organisers recently announced the seven new wonder of the modern world. Here in MALAYSIA BOLEH -land we have our very own 7 wonders.
The only building built with no approval and unpaid assessment fees that is not demolished and sealed. The owner is the first bankrupt to be able to own a palace. 2. THE 'BOCOR' PARLIAMENT
The unique feature is its ability to 'leak' away billions of taxpayers money while the guardians of the nation stood there all wet.
The only $600M prison in this world that is free of haunted stories and encounters. Reasons - No execution was done here before. In fact no prisoners were held in here. There are also no concrete walls with barbed wires to contain souls - both dead and alive. Maybe it can qualify as the first imaginary prison built with real money.
Uniquely designed to alleviate floods. When completed, it does everything except alleviate floods.

The most crooked bridge in the world dreamt by a most crooked mind. Too bad it was abandoned; otherwise it would make it as one of the wonders. It will end up costing more NOT to build than it would have to actually build it.


p.s. NO WONDER - PRICES today has increased "NAIK , NAIK, NAIK" in 2007....look and see....for sure........tahun depan minyak mestiiiiiiii naik punya....this year cannot naik....sebab sudah promise-mah. ..!!!! tahun depan sure naik like soyuz pecut...dasyhat looo.... )
Aren't we happy to be Malaysians?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sigh...sigh.....been working over-time lately......If you don't know what over-time means, it means working over your time limit.....Yes, my time limit is 2pm, after lunch muhuhu....when it feels just right to go to bed after filling up your stomach!!
But NOOooooo.........i have been working till 8 or 8:30pm lately. If not, the earliest 7:30!! So I have been lazy to blog these few days haha....But today i feel particularly inspired. Why?? Thanks to some very....very the interesting Genting customers!! And their never ending flow of enquiries......some understandable and some soooo very.....stoooopid!! (stupid)
Can you imagine how frustrating it can be attending calls, checking transaction details, writing reports, staring at the screen for the next 8 or 9 hours, updating room quotas etc?? and etc?? of course u can't!! Haha.....unless if you're me of course!! I love attending to emails coz i like writing emails............But just not when customers wont stop pestering you with the same "old grandma story" over and over again.........I do discover though, Genting's customers, mostly, have this habit of "huh?? yeah meh? got ar?" attitude.......playing dumb sometimes.....Not all!! some of them.......
Below are some of the weird questions they like to ask:
1) "I book my room at First World Hotel on the 9/12/2007, I am going to drive up there, I was wondering if there are landslides or not??"
- Think think!! what kinda question is that?? If am God, i sure can answer that!! I mean, please lah, common sense!! I don't know!!
2) " I want to cancel my room at Awana Kijal, I know your terms and conditions say no refund but when i book, I didn't know it is already monsoon season, am afraid of tsunami!!"
- What the...........no comment *sweat*
3) "I want full refund!! I don't care if you say no refund as per your terms and conditions apply!! Coz i didn't read your terms and conditions anyway!!
- I can also say I don't want to reply your email coz am blind!!
4) "I told you!! I want inter-connecting room!! Am going with my family!!"
-Oi!! you got family, other people don't have lah?! no inter-connecting rooms how to give? Unless if you build an extra room next to the existing room you're staying at right now. Genting will be glad.
5) "You sent me birthday voucher for free rooms!! now you tell me no rooms!! so how??!! it's my birthday!!"
-Yeah, yeah, your birthday doesnt mean you get what you want, I didnt get what i want on my birthday as well. Oh wait!! I didn't want anything for my birthday muhuhuhu......Your birthday doesnt mean not other peep's (people's) birthday ok??!!
6) "I sent you an email and till now no reply!!Slow service!!"
-Eh uncle, you sent like 5 minutes ago ok??!! If you want express service, go to DHL!! Even DHL need at least a day to deliver to you ok? So stop complaining and stop bombarding my inbox with hate mails!!
Grrrrrr........annoys me sometimes. But I guess thats once in a lifetime experience, expose to all kinds of ranging from sweet, kind and understanding to cranky, fussy and agressive characteristics. I love my job!! Wooo!!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Male or Female?? Which do you prefer??
Guys and girls, ever thought of this question before?? I was sitting at my desk wayyyy over working hour....and suddenly this question popped up in my head as my eyes wandered towards my female boss who was sitting comfortably in her throne, naggin at my colleagues....*grit teeth*.......
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Officially Skint!!
I am officially skint!! Not only are my pockets dry, free of moisture and nourishment but even mentally and physically!!
Geez.......salary - broadband - phone bills - expenses - food = O savings :s...........*cry*
I am so gonna work tons of OT(over-time) from now on......
Steady Rebecca.......this is the first month, it's usually like that......Staring at my account balance today after work, i wanted to cry.....I paid my rent today and it costs me so much, and hell no am not gonna ask help from my parents!! They have done enough.......
Looks like I have to chew on grass for the next few weeks.....which i am starting to think I am indeed developing this bad habit now.......Yikes!! Am officially shrinking from a size 10 to a size 8!! And "healthy" gym habits make it worse!!
"Rebecca!! you are already fit !! U don't need gym!!" is the official HME (hurts my ears) phrase now...... Looks like i just have to hold my stomach, grit my teeth,pray and hope I am able to go through these few agonizing week.......
Sigh.........wonder when I am gonna collect enough money to visit Europe........*cry* Why is Europe so bloody expensive??!! Grrrr!!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
This is my favourite song at the moment. "Home" by Westlife.......:p. I am not a big fan of boy bands or whatever.
But I find this song very meaningful and very touching. Woo!! So romantic!!........makes me cry everytime i hear it. Emotions over flow...........Don't you feel that way when you are in love??Or when you feel homesick??hehe...
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Miss Red Riding Hood & Her Pepper Spray.....

1 hour later................
"OMG!! Pepper Spray!!". Miss Red Riding Hood was excited when she saw a brand new pepper spray laying on her table. Mr Bruce smiled and said "That's for you!! Be safe!!It is my present to you"......And so, Miss Red Riding Hood was very happy and she couldn't wait to try her pepper spray.
Time flies, saved by the bell, it was already 6pm!! Off she went, carrying her gym bag and belongings. It wasn't long till she arrived at her destination. The gym!! Yes, the modern Red Riding Hood is actually a gym addict.
It didn't take her long to get dressed and while she was rummaging through her bag for her keys, she heard her brand new pepper spray calling. Excited, she took it out from her bag and "click!!".She pressed down slightly to break the tabs and then!! "Psst!!". Whoops oh!! The lethal dose of capsaicin escaped and swirled around in the air.....
Miss Red Riding Hood knew she was in trouble so immediately she put on her red hoody, blew dry her hair and ran away, as far as her legs could take her. Down the stairs, she saw securities there, whispering amongst themselves about the incident.
But no no, Miss Red Riding Hood is a coward who will not admit it was her who actually did it. So she ran home, a loser.
Sitting at home, in her own room now, Miss Red Riding Hood is actually worried about the outcome of the incident. Maybe she would be the talk of the gym tomorrow.....who knows? "Yeeks!!" she said......... ;s
But...but....thinking about it, this is not the first time Miss Red Riding Hood actually do stupid things. Once she even wore her teddy bear slippers, not on purpose of course!! and walked all the way to University in the chilly Melbourne winter!! And had passersby staring at her in disbelief!! So no, Miss Riding Hood shalt not bow down and admit her mistake muhuhuhu!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Beeeeoooo...... the wulf!!
To be honest, I am a movie noob and am pretty outdated in terms of cinema and the latest movies. The only movies I am interested in are comedies and horror haha......don't like it? Shoot me!!
But....but....since today is my off day, I was so bored at home i decided to go watch a movie, alone....poor me :(. Since my bf left for home, I feel I am already half single haha(Miss those times though)...So i called my colleague and see if she was free for a movie and I found out she was having her piggy nap. I had no choice so off i went!!
Which movie did i choose?? To be honest, to kill time, I chose the one i didn't have to wait too long for.I reached at 1pm and "Beowulf" was showing at 1:30pm. So there!! Beowulf!!I didn't know bout the movie when i bought the ticket though.So to add, when the lady at the counter found out I was going to watch it alone, she gave me the "awww...poor you" look...grrr!! Nevermind!! At 1:30pm, i was comfortably in my seat, munching on pop corns. Bout 2 minutes into it, I found out it's actually 3D!! So i thought "crap!! Should have chosen another one!!"......Well, am not really a big fan of realistic 3D movies though. But i decided to give "Beowulf" another chance.
Beowulf is actually an old English heroic poem which dates back to between the 8th and 11th century. In the movie, it tells the story of a heroic figure, Beowulf destroying the overpowering demon Grendel, incurs the undying wrath of the beast's ruthlessly seductive mother, who will use any means possible to ensure revenge.

This computer-generated piece is full of swagger, pride, and a gnarly sense of humor. The action begins with a splendid feast in the mead hall of King Hrothgar, a mighty monarch with a young, unhappy wife . The mead, for which he his renowned, flows freely, and eventually so do the drinking songs. The merry makings and drinking songs eventually irritates Grendel , the slimy and semi-decomposed monster who lives in the bottom of a swamp lake. He sets forth on a rampage that results in mayhem, death, and a closing down of the mead hall. Hrothgar offers half the gold in his kingdom to anyone who can kill the creature, and so Beowulf arrives. He’s full of boasts and promise to get rid of Grendel.
The 3-D effects are nothing short of stunning, starting from the first frame with a waterfall slithering at what appears to be several feet from the screen. Looks very realistic.Imaginative ways are also used to show off the extra dimension, even if it becomes almost comical at times.
Then again, smooth 360 shots with swords, spears, ship’s masts, and the pointier bits of dragons were good. Even a close-up circuit of a crown is darned impressive. At first, I didn't even realised it was 3D ! Equally imaginative are all the ways they find to hide Beowulf’s manhood as he takes on the monster Grendel wearing nothing but his, ahem......swagger!! But that was funny.
Though I find the 3D effects stunning!! But they don’t quite manage to get the human beings right. Aside from there being something rubbery about the flesh. And also the eyes look soulless. Expressions, movements don't look quite right. Especially when they run and galloping away on horseback. Don’t get me started on how downright silly a band of them galloping on horseback looks.
But overall, I find myself enjoying Beowulf. It's bloody, it's funny, it's exciting and it's impressive. a thrilling visit to an alien time and place, devoid of a single dull moment and spiked with something interesting, unexpected and visually gripping in virtually every frame
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Idiot's Guide To Healthy Work Ethics!!
Work Ethics....what are work ethics??
Work ethics are a set of values based on the moral virtues of hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character. Though today i had to work (Yes yes i know, it's a Sat!! But...but....what to do?? Am poor so shut up)........
And, and, I was crazy enough to come up with some "healthy"work ethics for my own enjoyment and hopefully yours hahaha.......and i dare myself to print it out and stick it on my desk or something haha....soon i mean :p
Idiot's Guide To Healthy Work Ethics!!
1) Be punctual.......not 30 minutes earlier, 20 minutes earlier, 10 minutes earlier or even a second earlier!! Start work at 8:30am means u reach there ON TIME!!.....not a second earlier.....What are the benefits of reaching there 30 minutes earlier anyway??
2) Employment letter states that working hour ends at 6pm!! So be it!! If your boss request you to stay later than that, write to HR department to make a complaint or ask for your lawyer!! It's abuse, it's against human rights!!
3) Humans are not robots!! Overwork will cause fatigue and stress and in the long run will affect your health.......If you actually disagree, i advice you to better book a place at the nearest mental hospital....maybe i might be the first.......
4) Work is never ending. The more you finish, the more will keep coming and at the end of the day, you will have 6 piles of files on your desktop. Even if you stay overnight, you will never get it done.......so just leave it and play with your magic wand and hope they will disappear....I have one......Or, just pretend those files actually belong to your colleagues, accidentally leave it on their tables accordingly and go home to get some beauty sleep.
5) When you face problems or make mistakes, your boss won't be the one to give you a helping hand or will he or she be the one to comfort u....Infact, you will have to put on your best helmet and step into the office for a day's worth of good bashing.....and follow by a yellow card......minus the whistle. But your family will always be there for you so cherish your family.......not your work.
6) Don't let your job screw up your life....
Monthly Salary = Work from 8:30am - 6pm ( If your bloody lucky that day)
8:30am - 6pm = Bad Employee + Lazy + 0 Performance + Bad Reputation + Possible Retrenchment + 0 Promotion + 0 Bonus = Highly Possible Retrenchment Candidate
8:30am - 10pm = 0 Bonus + 0 Ang Pow (red packets) + Bad Social Life + Bad Family Relationship + 0 Pomotion + Tons of Work + "Best Employee of The Month" (still minus the bonus) = Lots of work and keep dreaming of an upcoming promotion
7) If anyone who disagrees with the above formulation, I think he or she is a loser, has no life, doomed workoholic, heartless and deserves to be crowned the "Best Employee of The Month" .
8) You don't give a damn if your boss fires you.
9) Chinese says "If the home in the east no longer keeps you, go to the one in the west"
PSST!! So you still wanna stay back and work late night?? Ciao lah!!
PS: Sorry peeps....PMSing!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Babies Can Tell Friend From Foe!!
Interesting i find...awhile back scientists discovered that 2 month old babies look twice as much at the human face as it does at anything else. This suggested that human babies have some powers of pattern and form selection. Before this it was thought that babies looked out onto a chaotic world of which they could make little sense.
At one month babies can follow a slow-moving object. At two months babies can move both their eyes together and begin to appreciate how far away things are. At three months babies can tell the difference between members of the family. As a result of these and similar studies, psychologists have suggested that babies are born with a definite preference for viewing human faces. This would certainly make sense as human faces hold all sorts of useful information which is vital for the survival of the species.
And now......guess what?? New research reveals that infants who have not yet learned language can still judge who is friend and who is foe. haha yes.........so next time if you want to know if a baby finds u an angel or a devil, let them look at you. If they start crying then you know what it means :p.
Babies as young as 6 months old prefer people who cooperate versus people who hurt, and this ability could be the foundation for moral thought and action later in life. In fact, being able to distinguish between friend or foe could be an important survival skill. It's important to tell who is going to be helpful, who is going to be threatening.
scientists conducted a series of simple experiments to gauge whether 6- and 10-month-old infants preferred social individuals ("helpers") or anti-social individuals ("hinderers").
In one experiment, the infant watched a "climber" (basically a wood puppet with large eyes glued on to it) repeatedly try to climb a hill. On the third try, the climber was either given help or was pushed back down by a puppet.
The babies were then given the chance to choose (reach out and grasp) either the helper or hinderer puppet.
Basically, they found very high rates of babies choosing the helping character
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
J.Co Donuts Rock!!
Wow!! Those donuts are delicious!! J.Co Donuts i mean!! They are even tastier than Krispy Kreme. I still remember the day when i started lusting after Krispy Kreme donuts back in Melbourne Australia....I thought they were the best but boy am i wrong!! There are better ones!!
Yes, yes, J.Co Donuts is in town!! Freshly delivered to you at Pavillion shopping mall......Yes I love donuts so shut up!! :p.
The first time i came across J.Co was when i was trying to find Starbucks Cafe at Pavillion, coffee with friend after work. So today, after work, I have a craving for donuts and my friend recomended me J.Co. Just a short walk, less than 5 minutes from my work place,Wisma Genting......So after one hour of gym time......I decided it's time donuts instead haha....so off we went!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Bunny Boiler!! :p
Bunny boiler is one of the segments from"Balls of Steel" as well.
This segment is starred by Thaila Zhucci where she flirts with a man whilst in the company of his girlfriend to provoke a reaction from her. Thaila is being portrayed as a flirtacious girl who likes wearing provocative clothes.
Though i find this segment abit mean but I think, it is a good way to find out if your man is actually head over heels in love with you ;). Maybe I should try that ahahaha!!
In this episode, Thaila tried to flirt with this guy called Greg infront of his girlfriend, Jun. Poor Jun........she was helpless and what was worst of all, Greg actually appears to be a jerk!! Not only did he flirts with Thaila infront of his own girlfriend but he even ignored Jun when she spook of her disapproval with his behaviour.
Jun left in a huff but her boyfriend Greg just sat there and did nothing and continued to flirt with Thaila........What a jerk!! If i were Jun, I would have dumped him straight away!! but infortunately she got back with him :s
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Balls of Steel!!
I have to admit!! I am a British comedy fan!! I have a fetish for British humour yes yes!! Haha......
I absolutely love "Little Britain" and also my latest to the list!! "Balls of Steel"!! Especially "The Annoying Devil" segment.
It is a segment where this guy (Barrie Hall) wears a devil costume and annoys the general public in various ways. His pranks include disrupting people's work or leisure activities, making public places or vehicles dirty, disseminating rude messages in various forms, and offering products or services with an evil twist.
An idea of how this program is like, watch below!! :p
A Tribute To The "King" Of The House!!
Honey and her litter
"King" is the name!! I have 4 dogs at home and I love them all. They are all special in their own ways but this one is extra special because my bf and I took care of it when it was young.
You see, King is the youngest in a litter of 4 puppies. and he was the weakest!! But the most weird thing of all, he was born flat!! Yes I mean FLAT!!..........I don't know what happened to him in the womb but he was literally flat!! He couldn't flip or turn and couldnt sleep sideways. He struggled to hold onto a nipple and get himself fed. He couldnt walk well as well because of his flat belly and he didnt start to walk till he was almost 4 weeks old when his siblings were all running about, playing with each other.
He used to get bullied by his much stronger brothers too. And he would get very grumpy because of that.....self defense!! Well, he's still a cranky wee dog though.....haha
When he was younger, i had to bottle feed him because he couldnt crawl towards the nipple. And he was extremely slow and clumsy in doing so.......So i fed him 6 times a day!! Me and my bf(when he was staying at my place for 3 months), we took turns to feed him and clean him. When he peed, he would be laying with his belly on the floor and then it would be a mess. So we had to clean him again and again and again......
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Malaysian Manners Lah!!
I was asked to attend this motivation seminar this afternoon with my parents. yes, yes haha.....motivation!! Well i had no choice actually because i had no say. Dad bought an extra ticket without consulting me first haha.......
But...but....it was good!! I enjoyed it very much. It was also at this particular seminar that i noticed....umm maybe noticed isn't the right word but rather.....reminded!! Haha yes, was being reminded by some very typical Malaysian manners!!
"My Watch Says 1pm What......."
Mr A : Sorry, sorry, am late
Mr B : *thinking* Yes you are damn right!! *while pretending to smile with two horns showing on his head*
Mr A : Aiyo!! Damn traffic jam man!! It took me 30minutes to reach here man....but luckily am still on time
Mr B : *surprised* On time?! But....but it's already 1:30pm....and you were supposed to be here at 1pm! Oi! Are you sure your watch is accurate??
Mr A : *Look at his watch* Korek (correct) what!! My watch says 1pm!! Look!! *show Mr B his watch*
Mr B : Eh........Yeah wor....how come my watch says 1:30 one??
Mr A : *Look at Mr B's watch* Ohhhh!! I know why now.....
Mr B : Why? Why?? Tell me *curious*
Mr A : you see your rolek (rolex) right? something wrong one
Mr B : Huh?? How can it be?? My Rolex made in Swiss one wor......
Mr A : yeah lah....I know....that's why got problem loh.......
Mr B : Why got problem??
Mr A : Because.......your Rolek(rolex) made in Swiss right? *Mr B nods* Swiss is in Europe right? *Mr B nods again* Thats why loh........the time on your watch is "Ang Moh" (foreign) time!! See mine right? My Rolek(rolex) made in Petaling Street one.....of course accurate mah....Malaysian time!!
"I Book That Seat Already!!"
Mr B : *Walks up to Mr A who is sitting on the chair with empty seats next to him* Excuse me, are those seats occupied?
Mr A : *Looks up at Mr A.....and hold gaze for 2 secs* Why? You want to sit is it??
Mr B : *Smile politely* Yeah, may I? If......nobody's sitting next to you
Mr A : *Looks at Mr B with the "kiam pa"(deserve to be punched) face* Of course not lah!! Can't you see i book already meh??! Go find somewhere else lah!!
Mr B : *surprised and pissed* How can you book a seat? This is a seminar.......first come first serve basis!! I don't even see your name on the seat!
Mr A : *annoyed* How dare you say that??!! don't see my name on the seat meh??!! eyes so big cannot see ar?
Mr B : *Angry* where??!! show me!!
Mr A : *pointed on his name on a piece of paper on the empty seat* Nah!! my name!! I book already!!
" You Can Talk, I Also Can Talk What...."
*seminar still on going and Mr A is still talking non-stop with the neighbour*
Mr B : *Annoyed* excuse me, can you please stop talking? I can't concentrate......
Mr A : *upset and roll eyes and keep quiet*
Mr B : Thanks......
*5 secs later.......Mr A started talking again*
Mr B : *angry now* Sorry Mr, can you please stop talking? The seminar's still on here
* Mr A keeps quiet again but inside he's boiling up*
Mr B : Thanks!!
* another 5 seconds later.......Mr A starts to talk again*
Mr B : *Furious* This is too much!! Please stop talking ot get out!! You are a niusance!!
Mr A : *Very offended* Woah!! You dare to talk to me like that ar??!!
Mr B : Of course lah!! people like you, distracting only!! annoying!!
Mr A : *Pointed at speaker on the stage* If he can talk!! Why can't I??!! I have the right too!!
Mr B : Yeah of course you have the right to speak also!!
Mr A : So what is the problem here??!!
Mr B : The problem here is!! KISS!!
Mr A : What is KISS?? what you mean??
Mr B : Keep It Short, STUPIDDDDDD!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Arrange Marriage.........
arranged marriages are numerous still in today's modern world, especially in Middle-East, parts of Africa, Asia and India. The term is used even if parents of the pair who are getting married have no direct involvement in selecting the spouse. however, a matchmaker will be selected to play a major role in the matchmaking.
But one day i noticed something very strange about her. she looked so stressed and couldn't quit smoking. at one point, i thought she was going to finish 2 packets of cigarettes in a go! Yes she was very, very stressed. So I asked her what was wrong. At first she was hesitant to tell me but finally she gave in.
She told me though she is still a student but her parents, coming from a very traditional Indian family, kept bugging her on getting married after she obtains her degreee. They would call her up often and send her pictures of suitable guys(usually much older) and let her choose. But of course, most of them were successful business men or doctors. Still young and with a bright future infront of her, of course marriage is not yet on Amy's* mind. she wants freedom she says. But yet it's so hard for her to concentrate on studies when her parents won't leave her alone.
So finally she gives in, in order to safe her studies and pass her exams. Yes and the parents are still deciding on a guy for her"
Personally, I don't agree with arranged marriages or forced marriages. I think it's just cruel and forceful. It's not right. I feel sorry for my friend.
But of course, there will be people out there who actually think arranged marriages work. What do you think? ? do you agreee or disagree? and why??
I Am Against Arranged Marriage!!WHY??
1) I dislike the prospect of being married to someone who i do not already loved or someone i have no sexual attraction or emotional feelings towards. That would be odd!! I just don't buy the idea.
2) Every Individual on the surface of the earth are and supposed to be in charged of their own lives. Let people make their own decisions and let them choose their own partners, the one that they would like to spend the rest of their lives with.
3) Arranged marriage in my opinion, if viewed in the narrow terms of individual rights and personal growth, is a great denial of self.
But....thinking about it, there is evidence that love grows in marriages even if the marriage at first doesnt start with love. And also, arranged marriages does point to a 0% or 4% divorce rate. So why is that? What do you think?? What keeps couples together even though their marriage was at first, being coined as "loveless"??
Wow!! Feel soooo Happy!!
Wow!! I feel so happy today!!.......I can't stop smiling!! Why? Why?? You ask.....
Well, I started work two weeks ago and already, i have received good feedbacks from customers......complimenting me for my good service!! Yay!!
It feels so good to hear those sweet things from customers like "Wow!! What's your name? Your service is good!!" or "What's your name? That was good service". And yes i do enjoy my job......sometimes can be stressful but it's good to know that customers appreciate your effort.
Btw, just in case you wanna know how my customer service skills was like, please refer to the video below :p
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"Ah Bengs" and "Ah Lians" Overseas Counterparts Wanted!!
Hmm....I was wondering to myself, if there are any different terms being used in different countries for the "Ah Beng" and "Ah Lian" communities?
If there are "Ah Beng" and "Ah Lians" in Malaysia and Singapore right? How bout their overseas counterparts? Am just curious and if only anyone is willing to shed some light hehe.....and enlighten me!!
What are they called? Anyone? :p
The Ah Lians......
Who are the Ah Lians?? Raise your hands!!
"Ah Lians" are actually female version of "Ah Bengs". In order to become a successful and popular "Ah Lian"..........you need all of the essentials stated below :
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Typical "Ah Beng"....
If you are a "Ah Beng" wannabe.......this is what you need!!
1) Swear alot!! Yes!! The more the merrier!!........never miss out words like "Na Beh!", "Kan Ni Na!!", "Chi Bai" and "Wah Lan Eh" as a start.
2) Long fingernails - yes, the longer the better......especially pinky finger's. They are solely for scratching back and picking nose.
3) Dyed hair - As long as you stand out in the crowd, nothing matters!! You can bleach your hair blonde, yellow,white or whatever!! It doesnt matter. You can even dye your hair half red and half white, nobody cares!!
4) A trademark comb helps. Yes!! vanity helps!! But make sure you keep your comb sticking out from your back pocket, it's fine!! Comes in handy!!
5) Loads of accesories!! Remember, gold chains and neckalces are must haves!!
6) Counterfeit Rolexes to show off.
7) Suzuki GTI/Honda Civic V-Tec, Honda CRX/Nissan 200 FX, outfitted with a sound system that allows everyone in a 2-m vicinity to feel the thump of every single bass beat in your favourite dance remix album. Must be kitted with spoilers and extra body parts, the favourite being The Last Supper attachment at the back of the car, so called because the shape of the whale tail-type attachment looks like the table in the Last Supper painting. And to make it the ultimate Beng mobile - disco lights that light up when you hit the brakes.
8) Branded goods such as "Valentino", DKNY, Versace and any "big big" names you can remember are to be displayed at all times!! Labels are also to be displayed prominently and to be read by all.
9) Branded jeans, shiny polyster cyber techno shirts, tight fitting jeans with flare, gaudy patterned shirts are vital in order to look cool and hip.
10) Membership in discos are essential to ensure a supply of "Ah Lian"(female version) babes. Hip "Ah Lian" babes to show off to fellow Ah Bengs.