Honey and her litter
"King" is the name!! I have 4 dogs at home and I love them all. They are all special in their own ways but this one is extra special because my bf and I took care of it when it was young.
You see, King is the youngest in a litter of 4 puppies. and he was the weakest!! But the most weird thing of all, he was born flat!! Yes I mean FLAT!!..........I don't know what happened to him in the womb but he was literally flat!! He couldn't flip or turn and couldnt sleep sideways. He struggled to hold onto a nipple and get himself fed. He couldnt walk well as well because of his flat belly and he didnt start to walk till he was almost 4 weeks old when his siblings were all running about, playing with each other.
He used to get bullied by his much stronger brothers too. And he would get very grumpy because of that.....self defense!! Well, he's still a cranky wee dog though.....haha
When he was younger, i had to bottle feed him because he couldnt crawl towards the nipple. And he was extremely slow and clumsy in doing so.......So i fed him 6 times a day!! Me and my bf(when he was staying at my place for 3 months), we took turns to feed him and clean him. When he peed, he would be laying with his belly on the floor and then it would be a mess. So we had to clean him again and again and again......
Flat and teddy-alike :p
As he grows older, his bone started to grow normally…..and he’s no longer flat anymore….I think maybe the reason why he was flat was because he was under nourished.
But now!! Look at him!! he's a big boy!! He used to walk like a tortoise......I don't mean slow but seriously, from top view, he did resemble a tortoise haha.....me and my bf used to laugh watching him walk. My bad, my bad i know :p. He's so strong now and of course!! Sooooo naughty!! And so smart!!
Just lurve this weeee King King boy!!
OMG. You rear doggies. Envy lei. I want one too but too bad the place I am staying right now is not so suitable. Sobs. Really envy you.
hahaha awww.....actually 4 doggies are too much hassle though but they are all unique in their own ways hehe......they are so cute!! when u have a chance,u should rear them too :p
wow! he's so cute and adorable!! :) how old is he now?
Hey nicole, he's 3 months old now hehe....hyper active though and a poo machine ahaha......quite a handful :p. Do u have doggies too?
awww wee flatty! I miss them all so much
haha he is looking so cute!
post him over
love xxx
Nice story. Great photos. Makes me want to adopt a puppy now :) But it will have to wait since I live in a (no pets) apartment.
wow..never seen 'flat' puppies! :)
and see how cute it has grown :)
gerald : Haha awww....u should move to a "yes" pets apartment hehe
fighter jet : Hehe i have never seen flat puppies before this but we were so worried he wasnt gonna make it and took him to the vet....to see if he could survive....and he does!! so cute now :p
Haha they are so cute... I have one here in my house, rear him since he was born after a week. It's always a sweet memory especially feeding him with milk bottle. :)
Are you going to give one to me? ;p
saoirse : haha yes indeed, fond memories taking care of him...He follows me around though. Haha...Yeah? u have one? what breed is it? Haha....where do u live?i post to u ahaha :p
Ken : Yes he's looking cute!!....sorry for missing out ur comment !!....My mum was saying she will post him over to you and she was asking if u miss him haha. Love xxx
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