Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Funny Video!

Haha......this is a Taiwanese program called "Fire Challenge". I find it very funny. I think it's fake though but still, it's enjoyable!!..........It's a show where problematic couples go onto the show to either mend their relationship or breakup with each other.....

The reason why i post this is because i think the lady talks and acts weird. Am not trying to be mean but she does have a very weird accent and way of talking!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's Halloween Baby!!

Yes!! It's that time of the year!! It's Halloween time!!

"The Festival of Halloween is a celebration of the end of the fertile period of the Celtic Goddess Eiseria. It is said that when Eiseria reaches the end of her fertile cycle the worlds of the dead and the living interlap. This happens on October 31. Masks are worn to show respect for the Goddess Eiseria who, like most Celtic deities, does not wish to be seen with human eyes. The day also preceeds All saints day, which was at first the celebration of the start of a new cycle of fertility for the celtic Goddess Eiseria. Couples incapable of producing children thus tried their luck on All saints day."

Errr........not sure if i want to celebrate that just yet!! :s

But....but to those who plan to celebrate it this year, i wish you luck trying and hope you will have a "fruitful" year ahead!!

Happy Halloween Everyone!! :D

Bad Karma Or Wha??........

Talking bout bad karma........I landed a job last week, on the 22nd of October 2007.......I was ecstatic!! And was and still is over the moon.

Not only did i managed to get myself a job but I am going to work with Genting Group soon! Yay!! As you know, Genting Group is Malaysia's leading corporation and one of Asia's best Multinationals! So of course i feel happy that i can work with them.

But as i was happy day dreaming over working with genting.......

The Next Day..................(Scroll down lah......Common work those lazy fingers........)
. (Some more!! suspense abit!! common!!)
. (Yeah!! that's right baby!! move, move!! some more!!)

What??!! What's wrong?? Why "SCREAM" !!

The next day, on the 23rd of October, 2007. The founder of Genting Group, Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong passed away!! OMG....OMG....can't believe this!! Really karma!! *sweat*

Sunday, October 28, 2007

3 Things I Love Bout Blogging......

Why? Why? Why? How on earth did i succumb to blogging?? Why am i still sitting here in the middle of the night typing away?? I really don't know but i can't stop typing!! someone please help!!........i need rehabilitation!!........

Thanks to the encouragement of my beloved bf, i have finally decided maybe the best way to safe my insanity is to blog!! blog and BLOG!! And that's the only way i can avoid spending my much needed money on a rocking chair.

What i like bout blogging?

1) I can remain anonymous......well maybe not really since i put my pic on display and risk people running up to me on the streets and give me a good, hard slap in the face....but...but....i havent told you my name, have I? And you don't even know where i live , what's my address, my surname, my phone number,!! So i shall remain anonymous!! Told you..

2) I can be an angel and a b**** at the same time!! Nobody cares......i can talk about nothing and everything and people will still read my crap(hmm...hopefully!!).

3) Call me money faced, blood sucking leech all you want. But if i do well enough, am not afraid to admit that i hope one day i will be able to be a slob at home, bloggin all day and munching on french fries all i want(and no thank you, my waistline isnt expanding) and earn some money for travelling.

And yes, though the first two are the main reasons for starting a blog, but i won't deny that maybe, oh just maybe......most bloggers do hope to earn some extra cash from blogging.......nothing wrong with that......if it's so wrong, why do i still see those bloody ads??

Stupid Mistakes i Make......

Have you ever made stupid mistakes in your life?? Of course u do........everyone does and i just it almost costs me someone i cherish and love, the love of my life........

What started as an insensitive blatant joke bursts and blow out of proportion.......and i hurt him. Yes, though i hate to admit it, i hurt him bad. I never intent to hurt someone i love so much and when i realised he was maybe gonna utter those dreaded words, i burst into tears.......knowing maybe.........maybe i will lose him forever. And i havent even posted him our 1st year anniversary present, knowing he will love it because i know how much he wanted it. I was so excited thinking about his reaction and expression when he opens his present and say how much he loves it.

You can't imagine how much he means to me. He has been a great bf, a great support and comfort and the thought of losing him was so great, i cant stop crying even as i am typing right now. What am i gonna do now blog? I don't know what to lost...........and afraid.....

Now i know the power of words, how words can either nurture or destroy........and i shall always remember that.......

Who Is This Weirdee....??

Who am i? That's a pretty tough question......well, maybe not. But it's a bloody tough question!! It's so hard i don't even know what to say and no, am certainly not trying to be funny here!! Am just PMSing so shut up........

Well let's see. My name is Rebecca and am 23 this year. I am from a small teeny town in Malaysia called "Melaka" (Ma-Lac-Ca).....yes that's how u pronounce it. It is actually two hours drive from the capital city,Kuala Lumpur.

I have dark hair, brown eyes, fair complexion, tiny nose, tiny lips, flat face (yes my mum squeezed too hard and i flew out and hit the wall thats why and it's none of your business!!grr!!), am not particularly tall (just 165 cm) and my arms are longer than my legs (yes very ape like thank you very much) and no, am certainly not ugly!

Reading, travelling, staying at home, going out with friends sometimes, hanging out with loved ones, learning new things and talking crap with my bf are some of my favourite things. Am just not a very interesting person you see.....haha.....and am soooo not good at writing that i need this blog to prove it otherwise!!(maybe not but if ur chuckling right now, u actually believe otherwise) .

Well, what do you think? That's just me in short!! If i were to tell you everything about myself right now, u will probably end up in a rocking chair for the rest of your life!! ahahaha......because you will be so bored that you will actually go insane!! And i don't want you to sue me because I am poor alright?? Am only starting my first full-time job next week!!

Last but not least.......if you ever find this interesting or would like to find out more bout myself, please kindly send your resume and passport photo to "#(&$#(*". See it? No? I repeat "#(&$#(*". can you see it now? If you can actually understand a thing i am talking about please do contact me and i will gladly clarify it to you

To be continued...........