Hehe......I got these pictures in my inbox this morning. My colleague sent them to me. Silly silly mistakes.....I didn't know Mr. Bush read books upside down? That explains alot...........
Friday, March 28, 2008
Silly Silly Mistakes!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Emirates Interview!!
Thank you for the interest in the application for the position of Cabin Crew with Emirates Airline.
We have received your online application and we would like to invite you to Emirates Airline upcoming Open Day walk-in interview, jointly held by Sass Atlantic.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Everyone "Evolves"!! Aight??
I like flipping through old photo albums whenever I am home.......Being the nostalgic person that I am, I like to recall old times haha....I wonder if that's a good thing or bad thing.....
Anyways I was scanning through MY old photos today......though I hate to.....*blush*....coz umm...you will know why after this haha yeeks!!.......But anyways, everyone evolves!! Aight??!! Humph!! I don't like admitting I used to look geeky.....and ummm "swollen" but that was me so am sharing it haha....
I don't have much photos though, except when I was a baby....my mum used to take lots of pics of me...But as I got older, I started to hate taking pictures and am still very camera shy. I guess it's an old habit of mine. Especially back in Primary School and half of High School, I was chubby, geeky and very depressed.....unlike the happy kid that I was......
I spent half of my childhood back in Hong Kong I would say. I was a lucky baby.....I traveled alot since I was born. And maybe that explains why I love traveling now? haha.....I used to go to Hong Kong twice every year to visit my maternal grandma, uncles, aunts and cousins. They adored me and I loved the attention I guess....... That's me and my mum....though I can't remember when and where it was taken...coz that was yonks ago!! But....I had alot of photos taken with mum when I was a kid....not surprising as my mum loves the camera and looks good in photos....

My childhood is my sweetest memory..the best chapter in my life. It was care-free, fun and exciting.......

Monday, March 17, 2008
Wars Of The Kiasu-ness!!
A Singaporean was on holiday in Malaysia. He was all having his coffee, croissants, bread, butter and jam at the hotel's coffee house.
A Malaysian man who was chewing gum, sat down next to him & started a casual conversation.
Malaysian: 'You Singaporeans eat the whole bread?'
Singaporean: 'Of course.'
Malaysian: 'We don't. In Malaysia, we only eat what's inside. The crusts we collect in a container, recycle it, transform them into croissants & sell them across to Singapore.'
The Malaysian then had a smirk on his face while the Singaporean listened in silence.
Malaysian: 'Do you eat the jam with the bread?'
Singaporean: 'Of course.'
Malaysian (chuckling): 'We don't. In Malaysia, we eat fresh fruit for breakfast, then we put all the peels, seeds and other left-overs in a container recycle them, transform them into jam, before we sell it across to Singapore.'
This time, the Singaporean retorted: 'Do you have sex in Malaysia?'
Malaysian: 'Why, of course we do'
Singaporean: 'Do you wear protection'
Malaysian: 'Of course! We wear condoms.'
Singaporean: 'And what do you do with the condoms once you've used them?'
Malaysian: 'Stupid question! Of course we throw them away.'
Singaporean: 'We don't. In Singapore, the government secretly puts them in a container, recycle them, melt them down into chewing gum and sell them across to Malaysia... That's the real reason why we banned chewing gum in Singapore.'
Where Are You? :(
It's been 5 months since we last saw each other. It feels like ages ago.......It's so hard. I want to see and feel you again so bad but I can't coz we are so far apart.......Where are you? :(
And here I am, sitting infront of my laptop in the dark, early in the morning, with tears welling up in my eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of you on MSN but still........no sign.......Then I would fumble through my hotmail inbox hoping there's an email sitting there waiting for me.....still......:(. Sometimes there's so much I want to tell you but I can't.......the distance is so great between us.
I wonder where are you? What are you doing at this hour, this moment......though we texted before I went to bed at night. But still..........I would fall asleep half way through and I would find myself waking up in the middle of the night, texting you, hoping to just hear u say "love u". But still.........no sign........
I Miss You.....
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Baby, Will You Marry.......Oh, Nevermind!!
Baby, will you Marry.......Oh, nevermind!!
LONDON (Reuters) - It is the one moment every man wants to get right -- and which London floor-fitter Lefkos Hajji could hardly have got more wrong.
The luckless 28 year-old's dreams of giving his sweetheart, Leanne, 26, the ultimate proposal have literally vanished into thin air.
Hajji, of Hackney, east London, had concealed a $12,000 engagement ring inside a helium balloon. The idea was that she would pop the balloon as he popped the question.
But as he left the shop, a gust of wind pulled the balloon from his hand and he watched the ring -- and quite possibly the affections of his girlfriend -- sailing away over the rooftops.
"I couldn't believe it," he told The Sun newspaper.
"I just watched as it went further and further into the air.
"I felt like such a plonker. It cost a fortune and I knew my girlfriend would kill me."
Hajji spent two hours in his car trying to chase and find the balloon, without success.
"I thought I would give Leanne a pin so I could literally pop the question," he said.
"But I had to tell her the story -- she went absolutely mad. Now she is refusing to speak to me until I get her a new ring."
He is hoping the ring will still turn up.
"It would be amazing if someone found it," he added.
Awww.....poor guy!! I thought that was very thoughtful of him!! And sweet!! But he was just luckless.....too bad. It's silly that the gf actually refused to talk to him after the incident tho. I mean, what did he do wrong? He was trying to be romantic and she should be happy to have such a nice man.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Petty??!! Excuse me??!!
Grrr.....!! Am so annoyed so early in the morning, after I check my mailbox at the office today!! Awhile back, I was on medical leave. I had serious chest pains so I thought it was best for me to take a day off and pay the doctor a visit.
So I texted my team leader and took an emergency leave and later that day, I went to see the doctor (one of company's panel doctors). At the clinic I flashed my Genting Group employee card, only to be told I needed to complete a form before I could proceed with free medical consultation. In which of course, I was totally surprised as I wasn't told I needed to complete a form, which has to be taken from company's HR. So I was told I needed to pay.
Because was feeling very unwell, I had no choice so I paid and oen of the nurses told me I could claim the amount of money being paid from my company's HR afterwards. I just need to keep the receipt and that was what I did!!
The next day I submitted my medical certificate and got it signed by my superior and went ahead and claim the amount of money paid previously at the clinic to HR.
And!! 2 weeks later........I got this email
Dear Rebecca,
Greetings! Regarding the claim of RM40 for your medical claim, kindly be informed that HRD will not issue the petty cash for you as the clinic is one of our panel, if Genting Group employees visit the clinic, clinic is not required to collect money from the employees and the employees should flash their tag upon visit. As a conclusion, HRD will not issue the payment to you. Sorry for the inconveniences caused. Thank you and good day.
Excuse me??!! Petty??!! I didn't know anything to do with health is considered of secondary importance!! And what's the purpose of medical benefits then??!! When I don't even have the right to fight for my rights as an employee!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Nice title eh?? Haha....gee, I can't believe it has been yonks! Since the last time I actually care enough to update my wittle blog. And I can't believe despite how lazy I have been, there are people still visiting it!! Makes me feel ashamed!! Haha.....Been busy lately but still, no excuses!!
Anyways, just like the title, I stumbled upon this very interesting documentary on youtube.
The documentary is in Chinese. Lucky for Chinese readers out there ;).
Mawangdui is an archaeological site, situated in Changsha, China. The saddle-shaped hills contained the tombs of a family of 3 (father,mother and son) from the Western Han Dynasty, dating back to almost 2000 years ago (206BC-24). The tombs belonged to the 1st Marquis of Dai, his wife and their son.
The tombs are very grand and complicated as well. Out of the 3 tombs, only tomb No. 1 is well preserved with everything intact just like when it was first buried back in the days. The excavations yield many surprises. From silk products, silk books, silk paintings, lacquer works, potteries, bamboo slips used for writing, weapons, herbs and most surprising out of the lot, is a body so well preserved, the skin is still flexible after 2000 years!!
The body of (Marquisate) Lady Dai is so well preserved that an autopsy was performed on her body. When disinterred from the tomb, her corpse was complete and the whole body was still moist and supple. Some of her joints could move; her organs and surrounding tissues were still intact, and the skin still flexible; she was as if she had been buried yesterday. Upon autopsy, doctors discovered that she had honey melon prior to her deathas honey melon seeds were discovered in her stomach.
Along with her body, food offerings were also found in the tomb. The food offerings were placed on colourful potteries and mostly painted in red or black. Meat skewers, fish, soup,desert and many more, all well preserved and looked just like they were made yesterday. The mouths of the containers were tightly sealed with grass and mud and bamboo brands with the name of the food tied on the outside of the containers' necks. Most amazing of all, they found a piece of pottery containing chinese lotus soup with the soup and lotus roots slices still intact. The archaeologists were amazed. The silk clothes from lady Dai's tomb are in a variety of styles and of fine workmanship. One of the most outstanding representatives, is a silk coat which is as light as the mist and as fine as gossamer. It is 1.28 meters (about 1.40 yards) in length with a pair of long sleeves, but weighs only 49 grams!! Amazing!!
The sarcophagus of lady Dai covered with a colorful silk painting. It is the best preserved painting of its kind of Han Dynasty, with the highest artistic value in China. It is in the shape of the English letter 'T', so people also call it 'T' silk painting. In fact, this kind of silk painting was called 'long narrow flag' in ancient times and used only for funerals. It was held by the person who headed the funeral procession and then draped over the coffin when burying the dead. This particular silk painting from the tomb can be divided into three parts. The upper part depicts the heaven, the middle part depicts the earth and the lower part depicts the afterlife. Heaven shows the final journey of the dead into the afterlife. Earth shows the wealth and nobility of the dead when he/she was still alive. The whole painting is symmetrical and colorful with fine depiction, reflecting the lofty painting skill in the Western Han Dynasty. All the mysteries, strange animals and mysterious signs in the painting present us with a romantic world with its own sense of symbolism. As yet no one has been able to interpret its real meaning.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Fingers Guide To Health
Could fingers actually determine how healthy you are? Could they? I wonder.....
Palm readers may not be the only ones who can tell a lot about people by examining their hands. However, scientist nowadays actually believe that relative lengths of index and ring fingers provide clues about a variety of characteristics, including musical ability, athletic prowess and, in a study just released, osteoarthritis risk. Scientist found out that the differences between two fingers' length signifies the amount of testosterone exposure in the womb. The longer the ring finger compared to the index finger, the higher the exposure. And typically, a woman's hands would have an index finger and ring finger that are similar in length, while a man's hands tend to have a longer ring finger than index finger. However, don' t worry girls if your ring finger is longer than your index finger, doesn't mean that you are going to grow hair all over :p. Well, at least that's not my case!
In 1998, British psychologist John Manning first linked the index-ring finger ratio to prenatal hormone levels. He noticed that in young boys, but not young girls, ring fingers tended to be longer than index fingers. He speculated that prenatal hormone exposure played a role.
He suggested that sex difference almost certainly arises before birth and that it can be seen in fetuses at nine weeks' gestation and doesnt change at puberty. He also added that male symphony orchestra musicians have lower finger ratios than less-musical men, that heterosexual men have lower ratios than homosexual men and that people with lower ratios tend to do better on certain tests of spatial ability. He theorizes that prenatal testosterone benefits the cardiovascular system.
However, on the other hand, British rheumatologist Michael Doherty and his collaborators at the University of Nottingham did just that in a study in the January issue of Arthritis & Rheumatism. They found out that osteoarthritis is more common in men and that increased activity and physically demanding sports could contribute to the condition through repetitive joint trauma. So it makes sense that a lower finger ratio, thought to be more common in men and in athletic individuals, would be linked to a higher osteoarthritis risk.
By comparing about 2,000 osteoarthritis patients with about 1,000 people without osteoarthritis, the scientists found that is indeed the case. The strongest link, osteoarthritis of the knee in women whose ring fingers were longer than their index fingers.
Interesting..........Hmmm....But now I have a question!! How about those people with abnormally longer middle finger compared to the rest of the fingers? Does it mean that they are going to end up like GW Bushy?? O_o
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It Is Getting Boring In Here!!
Hmmm....Hmmm.....I know, I know, it is getting boring in here. Geez, lately I don't really have time for my blog. Been working late nights as usual.
However, I have been thinking of things to write on my blog but nothing seems to come to mind! What is happening to me? I used to look forward to blogging and just say random crap. How to make a blog interesting? How to make mine interesting? Or maybe I can never make it interesting because I am already hummm......a boring person! Haha.....
Ah well.........
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Am Not A Piece of Meat!!
I have been depressed lately.........when i should be feeling happy and excited about the news but now am not.
Leave me alone!! Let me think about it as I am feeling confused right now and I need some time to decide!! Stop pulling me on each arm and maul me as if am a piece of raw meat.......
Everyone jumps at the chance of a promotion. I was excited about it but not anymore. My supposedly "good news" has turned into nightmare as I can't even do my current job right. People has been harassing me with phone calls constantly, regarding my "promotion".
I have been told why I shouldnt be transfered by one and another will be telling why I should take up the opportunity. Two bosses, draggin me around like a piece of raw meat. My phone rings non-stop at all hours, even when I am having my day off. Why can't people just let me be and let me decide? Even my colleagues have started sticking their noses into my business and tell me why I shouldnt go.....
One saying because I am new (merely 3 months old) and it's not fair on the older and senior employees who has never gotten a chance for a transfer though they have been working there for years. Second one said it's not fair to the new boss (who is transferring over soon and her good friend) that my current boss is trying to bring me with her, to another department because if I leave our department will be short of staff. And the third tries to warn me about the dangers of my supposedly soon to be new position and all the bosses there who are, she calls it "foxes". I don't know if it's out of jealousy or out of pure concern. Saying negative things to brain wash me so I would not leave.
God!! Am so confused right now, should I leave or should i stay? I feel so bad bout leaving but yet am excited bout leaving. Why is that? Grrr.........
Friday, January 11, 2008
Marrying 21st Century Technology with Prostitution!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
What Are Friends For??
As I was walking home from work at 8:30pm today, this question kept slipping through my mind. What are friends for??
You choose your friends, not your family - and for many today, the former have become the most important people in their lives. But are you sure your friends really like you as much as you like them? And how do you know they will still be around in five years' time?
For me, It has been a constant struggle. To keep friends. They come and go......One day you will find yourself enjoying each other's company, talking and hanging out till wee hours in the morning and swore to be friends forever and then the next thing you know, they just disappear. Vanished into thin air....and away from your life. No matter how many texts or emails you send or sent to them, your inbox remains empty. You can't help but wonder, what are friends for? Sometimes I sit at home, feeling depressed and sad because me as a person treats everyone equally and I treat my friends sincerely. I lend a hand when they need help (sometimes too giving and they take things for granted) and I will be there when they need me . However, no matter how sincere I am as a person, my phone remains silent. Nobody cares or seem to care about me and when I call them up, they are always busy. So why?? Why the fuss??
Friendship has been given a special status in our society. It is contrasted with all those relationships over which we have so little control; the families we can't change, the neighbours who irritate us, the colleagues we have to put up with. Friends are thought of as the joyous, freely chosen part of our lives, and it's assumed that those relationships are always pleasurable. If asked how you're spending the weekend and you say staying in or seeing your family or your colleagues, people may think you're a little sad. Say you're seeing friends and there's an assumption that you too are desirable, connected.
This is particularly true when one of my friends commented on the way I lead my life. He said am anti-social and lazy just because.....I don't go to clubs (because I don't like to) and that I don't drink but I enjoy books, I enjoy window shopping, I enjoy spending time with family and enjoy spending time alone after 13 hours of work. They seem to think I am sad and that I have no life and have the impression that I never hang out with friends (which i bloody do!)...Just not at clubs. If they are truly friends, why judge me as a person? And why not just accept me for who I am?

There is no agreement about what friendship involves, or what to do if it goes sour. No one would dream of suggesting to a friend that they start seeing a friends' guidance counsellor to talk about the dynamics of their failing relationship. When things go wrong, we very rarely challenge our friends. That's because friendship is often a delicate affair and we don't want to tax it with too many demands. It's more common to absorb the hurt, and retreat. After all, there is no contract. The terms are unwritten, and nobody ever makes them explicit.
Most of us feel a certain pride about our friends, pleased that they have chosen us, and that we have chosen them. We tend to believe that they reflect some important truths about who we are. Yet making friends isn't an exercise in free choice, any more than buying a house is. We buy houses according to what we can afford, what happens to be on the market when we're looking, and whether a capricious owner decides to accept our offer. Friendship is rather similar. We can only choose our friends from among the people we meet, in circumstances where making a friendly overture would be appropriate, and who show a reciprocal interest in knowing us.

Is it because friends make us feel belonged? Connected? A need? Why?
It isn't easy, because friendship is a subtle dance, and no one wants to be explicitly pursued when it's unwelcome, or explicitly dropped when they are not wanted. Nor does it come with any guarantees. People are unpredictable. But we need to play the game of friendship as long as we are still alive and breathing..................
Monday, January 7, 2008
A Girl's Guide To Guy-Speak
It's an undeniable fact that guys and girls are different.....not just physically but also mentally.
Do you speak guy?Can you comprehend all the subtle—and not-so-subtle—nuances of his secret language? If you’re a woman, chances are the answer is sort of, kind of, not really. Guy-talk looks like English, sounds like English, but it’s more like Himglish.
Cracking the code can be difficult—but not impossible. Men don't always say what they mean. To give you a head start, allow relationship experts and real guys (who speak in the native tongue) shed some light on some of a guy’s most common lines—and what in the world he really means by them.
What he says: “I really like your shoes.”
What he means: “I really like you.”
Why he says it: Granted, he could genuinely like your shoes. But if he says this during the early stages of dating, it also likely means he’s physically attracted to you—but doesn’t want to come right out and say it and seem like a dog. He would try to boost her confidence and shows her how sweet a guy he is and she will in turn, notice that he doesnt come right out and compliment her legs or something. Which is of course, what he was really complimenting in the first place!
What he says: “Maybe we should take some time off from each other, I need space.”
What he means: “Maybe I’m better off keeping my options open.”
Why he says it: Seems harsh, but it’s common. It is a guilt statement which is driven by the man’s fear of hurting the woman or by wanting to have it both ways—having her without committing. But problem is, women often take “the break” at face value. Trust me, if a guy is crazy about you, he’ll want to spend as much time with you as possible, period.
What he says: “I am listening!”
What he means: “I’m listening, but I really don’t want to get into a long, emotional discussion right now.”
Why he says it: When a guy zones out, women generally interpret that to mean he’s shut her off. More likely he’s just overwhelmed. Men process verbal information better when it’s direct and to the point says experts. They just wish she’d get to the point sooner. One way around this is to ask him for his advice — guys love to fix problems — or to make sure he’s primed for a marathon talk session. So rather than launching right in, say, “This story’s kind of involved—can you listen now or should we talk later?”
What he says: “You’re just too good for me.”
What he means: “I need out of this relationship.”
Why he says it: A guy can say that to you many times, but not once have they really mean it. Infact it simply means they need out in the relationship but want to make the girl feel good about it. Another popular alternative to this is the, “You deserve someone better than me” line. So why can’t guys just come out and tell you the truth? Unless you’re new to the planet Earth, you may have noticed men aren’t big on having talks—particularly breakup talks. In fact they’ll say anything to avoid them, such as butter you up so you don’t chew them out. Blech!
What he says: “I think I’m falling in love with you"
What he means: “I am this close to saying the L-word, but I can’t bring myself to say it just yet and when I do say it, I want to be sure you’ll say it back.”
Why he says it: The “in-between line”—it’s a warm-up act to “I love you,” and it tests the waters to see if she’s feeling the same way. For women, talking about your emotions and exposing your vulnerabilities is a way to bond with another person, but men don’t view exposing your vulnerabilities as a positive. They don’t want to appear weak that’s why words like “thinking” and “falling” come in very handy—they give him an out. But they also allow him to express something meaningful in a way only he understands. Hopefully, now you will, too.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Places I Wanna Go Before I Die!!
I love traveling!! Though I have airsickness....But it's getting better now :p. But I have always dreamt of going places, sometimes I would sit there imagining myself going to these places.....

London!! Woo!! I have always wanted to go to London since I was 5!! Never had a chance but I am working hard to realize my dream now!! Can't wait to apply for working holiday visa UK, travel and live there for two years!! Wow!! So excited!!
London has always been my dream destination. Don't ask me why, but when I was in high school, I used to imagine myself studying and living there. Even when I was getting ready to venture into college, I was bugging my dad to let me study there. Yes! My parents always knew how much I love London and wanted to go there.
Maybe it was all the wonderful stories my dad used to tell me when I was a kid about London. He lived and studied there for 5 years and eventually met my mum, who hails from Hong Kong. He used to talk about London all the time and how much he enjoyed it. I am so jealous!! :(

ahhh!! Paris!! The city of lights!! When I was young, I used to read books showing beautiful pictures of Paris. Especially Eiffel Towel. I used to imagine myself standing in front of Eiffel Towel, looking up and admire the beautiful view.
I would like to go there one day, live there for abit and learn some French ;). Maybe I am destined to apply for the working holiday visa haha!!

Serengeti!! I love nature and wildlife!! I used to; still do watch documentaries featuring the wildlife of Africa!! Serengeti is situated in the North-Western part of Tanzania and extending to South-Western Kenya.
The Serengeti hosts the largest and longest overland migration in the world, a semi-annual occurrence. This migration is one of the seven tourist wonders of the world.
Hope one day I have the chance to watch this spectacular sight!!

Russia......I don't know why, I have always wanted to go there as well. It sounds so mysterious to me. I have always wanted to visit Moscow. I just love their buildings!! They look so unique, the onion domes and the colours.
Also, I am curious about their language. Once I even thought of learning Russian :p. Maybe I should!! One day muhuhuhu!!

Christchurch, I first heard about it from a net buddy from New Zealand. Unfortunately we have lost touch. I got very interested in Christchurch after he sent me pictures of it (he’s from Christchurch).
I was blown away by the beauty of the place!! It’s so beautiful!! Since then, I have always wanted to pay a visit.

Xi'an, China
Xi'an is one of my dream destinations as well, along with Beijing. But I have been to Beijing, a few months ago :p. Me happy!! I love history and cultures so much!!
Xi'an is just the right place to learn about Chinese history. Xi'an is one of the most important cities in Chinese history and it is considered as one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China for it has been the capital of 13 dynasties, including the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang. Furthermore, Xi'an is also renowned for being the Eastern terminus of the Silk Road and the location of the Terracotta Warriors, made during the Qin Dynasty. The city has more than 3,100 years of history!!
A Post A Day Keeps The Stress Away!!
Weee!! Am back!! I have decided!! Work isn't an excuse to stop blogging!!
I do miss my blog, I miss talking to myself.......But sometimes i just don't know what to talk about haha......
Work, work and work seem to be the only excuse I have and actually, think about it, it's not even a good enough excuse!! As a post a day keeps the stress away!! Yay!!
Am going to promise myself to post at least once a day or once in two days.....