I like flipping through old photo albums whenever I am home.......Being the nostalgic person that I am, I like to recall old times haha....I wonder if that's a good thing or bad thing.....
Anyways I was scanning through MY old photos today......though I hate to.....*blush*....coz umm...you will know why after this haha yeeks!!.......But anyways, everyone evolves!! Aight??!! Humph!! I don't like admitting I used to look geeky.....and ummm "swollen" but that was me so am sharing it haha....
I don't have much photos though, except when I was a baby....my mum used to take lots of pics of me...But as I got older, I started to hate taking pictures and am still very camera shy. I guess it's an old habit of mine. Especially back in Primary School and half of High School, I was chubby, geeky and very depressed.....unlike the happy kid that I was......

I spent half of my childhood back in Hong Kong I would say. I was a lucky baby.....I traveled alot since I was born. And maybe that explains why I love traveling now? haha.....I used to go to Hong Kong twice every year to visit my maternal grandma, uncles, aunts and cousins. They adored me and I loved the attention I guess.......
That's me and my mum....though I can't remember when and where it was taken...coz that was yonks ago!! But....I had alot of photos taken with mum when I was a kid....not surprising as my mum loves the camera and looks good in photos....

My family are very close knit.....my grandpa has bout 15 grandchildren all together...and the first 7 of his grandchildren are girls and the boys came later. Lucky me!! My cousins, sis and I grew up together. Similar age and people say we look similar as well. Sometimes we get mistaken as being twins or sisters......though we never thought so.....Anyways, that's my favourite cousin....why favourite you ask me? Well, we are of the same age and inseperable since birth. Though she's 3 months older than me, but!! Am taller than her muhuhuhu!!

That's my grandpa. He's a very traditional and very strict I would say. But!! He adores his grandchildren. He used to drive a Ford back then and though it was quite a compact car, he would take 7 of us girls.....nicknamed "7 Angels" by his friends haha....to his rubber & palm oil estate, orchard....or just anywhere!! I remember whenever it was a weekend, my cousins and I would bug him to take us to his rubber estate. We would run around chasing chickens, cows, fishing tadpoles from the well, playing with local kids and picking fruits.
We were very naughty back then. Though grandpa warned us not to run around the rubber estate and wander too far coz there are tigers, we refused to listen. Grandpa would also explain to us how rubber is being processed and sometimes we would help the rubber tappers to collect latex. But we really had a wonderful childhood compared to the kids nowadays. Not forgetting we used to trap fighting fish with a container, placed overnight in padi fields, visit local pig farm, going to the zoo, secretly sand bury fishermen's sandals and never to be found, 5am morning jogs with grandpa up St Paul's hill, A'Farmosa etc etc. We learnt so much.....every trip with grandpa was educational. I miss it :(.

My childhood is my sweetest memory..the best chapter in my life. It was care-free, fun and exciting.......

My cousins back in Hong Kong....I used to visit them very frequently. My maternal grandma was a very strict woman and to be honest, I was quite afraid of her. But, she used to have a fridge in her room then. I would sneaked into her room, gave her a peck on the cheek and proceeded to steal some chocs from her fridge hahaha.....

That's my sister. She's two years younger than me. And can you see the bolster in the pic?? Haha...that was my safety bolster......I used to bring it anywhere and everywhere I go!! I would cry when I lost sight of it or when I couldn't find it. I used to sniff it before bed.....though it was filled with my saliva. I have a bigger and longer bolster now and I named it Sally hahaha..

Me in my kindergarten uniform......I was a very naughty kid. I still remember I used to get lots of spankings from mum because I would run around the house naked and all wet just after shower. My mum would be chasing me all over the house with a ratan rod and I would hide under the huge dinner table, still naked and dripping wet.....and imagined myself as this poor little orphan with no home to go back to and its raining outside and she's all wet and shivering haha....drama queen.....gee.....I can't deny I sometimes have over-active imagination haha

Primary school was the time I started to evolve :s......Ok, started with glasses. Well you see, me and my favourite cousin, used to admire friends who wear glasses, we thought it was cool and fun. So....we came up with a plan....to "blind" ourselves hahaha.....we would sit real close to the TV, on purpose of course just so we could wear glasses. My grandpa used to scold us for doing that as we would stick our little faces against the tv screen and watched tv in the dark. Anyways, we succeeded and we both got a pair of glasses, each!! Alright, not ur typical nice pair of glasses as they were huge!! Me and my cousin used to compare our glasses and see who owns the best pair.....judging from colour and frame hahaha......it was silly yes :s......I regret it now haha.
That's also the time when I became camera shy.....coz my mum would always "force" me to smile and say I look this and that in photos. Comparing to my sister, I started to feel depressed......

My depression didn't start till I was in Primary School to be honest. You know like segregation in a class? and also peer pressure. I was the geeky one. I used to have longer hair before I went to Primary School....But my mum forced me to get rid of it, said I dont know how to take care...though my sister was allowed to keep it. I would be dragged to haridressers and forced to have my hair cut as I was crying....

Primary School yeeks!! Hahaha geez...........it's selective photo haha....not that I had alot of pictures taken then....but this was taken during the last day of school....graduation. Gee....I looked horrible!! Can you spot me?? How about the girl on the right hand corner? Haha that's NicoleKiss hahaha....we were classmates back then and we belonged to the same group.....geeky group.....Maybe she would kill me for posting this pic but that's the only pic I managed to find.....as I would rather burn the rest :s ahahha....kidding....
Everyone evolves!! Aight??!!
Ha! Wow! Why is this the first time im seeing these photos eh? Hmmm suspicious! Am i not worth of seeing them eh? Wow so cute though. What happened? And thot you didnt believe in evolution? Haha. Love x
Oooo so u are the geeky friend mentioned on nicolekiss's blog. best of luck in your interview
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